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  • DPP’s Hsiao Bi-khim lands in Taiwan with her four cats

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim returned to Taiwan from New York with her four beloved cats, arriving at Taoyuan International Airport. Accompanied by security officers, Hsiao handled her immigration procedures while waving to reporters and travelers. She then proceeded to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency to take care of the entry quarantine procedures for her cats. As her feline friends meowed from within their carriers, Hsiao comforted them and fed them treats. She personally confirmed the purchase of canned food and dry kibble for her pets before leaving the airport under the escort of security personnel. Hsiao had returned to Taiwan on Nov. 20 to report for duty and submit her resignation, registered for the elections the following day, and rallied support in Hualien. She then returned to the United States on Nov. 26 to finalize her resignation and pack her belongings before making her journey back to Taiwan with her cats.
    2023/11/30 21:54
  • Flu case surge prompts vaccination plea from physicians

    Physicians are urging the public to get vaccinated against the flu as cold and flu cases surge in Taiwan amid cooling weather. Even healthcare providers are being impacted by the rapid spread of a virulent seasonal virus. ENT Dr. Chang Yi-Hao fell ill with gastroenteritis in late October, experiencing two days of fever. The virus has been particularly aggressive over the past few months. Chang emphasized the importance of vaccination, especially for the elderly, individuals with chronic diseases, and young children with weaker immune systems. Wearing face masks has become routine due to COVID-19, but with the easing of restrictions, there has been a rise in flu and respiratory virus infections. Physicians stress the need for vaccination, particularly for those with lower resistance to disease.
    2023/11/16 21:02
  • 韓國獨立樂迷注意!DPR IAN來台開唱 11月活動硬體最猛頂規

    那個男人這次真的要回來啦!繼去(2022)年12月由Wonderful Ent. Asia舉辦的DPR世界巡迴演唱會台灣站後,不到1年,DPR的當家歌手DPR IAN也決定要在11月22日再次回到新北的Zepp New Taipei,為大家帶來他新的音樂作品以及一場精彩的SOLO演唱會!
    2023/10/31 18:22
  • 沒發燒也小心!英權威:新冠症狀恐含「喪失味嗅覺」

    新冠肺炎(COVID-19)在全球升溫蔓延,世界各地確診病例目前已破33萬,死亡人數也突破1萬4千人,其中不乏「無症狀感染者」,病毒的奸巧特性,導致疫情控制非常困難,也引起民眾恐慌。不過近期英國耳鼻喉科協會(ENT UK)指出,以往認為的典型跡象是咳嗽、發燒,但「喪失味覺或嗅覺」可能也是感染病毒的症狀之一。
    2020/03/23 11:52
  • 男團BEAST隊名遭註冊商標權 原成員無奈

    離開老東家CUBE娛樂後設立新企劃公司Around US Ent的南韓男團BEAST成員,因隊名「BEAST」被老東家註冊為專有商標,他們感到很無奈。
    2017/02/13 15:01
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